Author’s Package

Submission of a Manuscript

Submission of a paper implies that the paper is original and is not submitted elsewhere. In addition the authors declare that they have no competing interests and all the authors listed have read and approved the manuscript. The sole responsibility in this respect lies with the corresponding author. There are no publication charges.

A pdf version of the paper generated by TEX should be submitted electronically to the Secretary for Publications at the following address:

A galley proof of the accepted paper will be sent to the corresponding author. 25 reprints/e-reprint would be supplied to the corresponding author. Additional reprints can be obtained on payment by placing order at the time of proof correction.

It is understood that once the paper has been accepted, it cannot be withdrawn and all the copyrights are automatically transferred to the Allahabad Mathematical Society whose address is given below:

The Allahabad Mathematical Society
10, C. S. P. Singh Marg, Allahabad-211 001
Uttar Pradesh, India.
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Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Preparation of the Manuscript

Manuscripts should be written in good English. The first page of the Manuscript should provide the title, the author(s) name(s) and institution(s) with complete mailing address along with phone and e-mail address. The name of the corresponding author should be specified.

The title of the manuscript should be brief and informative; special symbols and formulae should preferably be avoided. An explicit but short abstract should be provided at the beginning of the paper.
A short list of carefully chosen key words and phrases along with AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) should follow the ‘Abstract’.

The text of the paper should be divided into sections with appropriate headings. The author(s) should try to keep the notations as simple as possible and should try to avoid the use of complicated subscripts and superscripts as well as special type fonts. All the figures (Coloured figures should be avoided) should be sent along with the manuscript through e-mail at the address given above.

References to the literature should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper by Arabic numerals within square brackets. All references should include complete title of the referred paper, and first and last page numbers. Authors are requested to check that all the references in the list are used in the text.